Uploading Files to Your Website (FTP)

To upload your website's files, you need an FTP client to connect your computer to your hosting account.

Some popular FTP clients are:

Fetch (Mac)
gFTP (Linux)

You may also be able to upload your site through the software used to create it, such as Adobe Dreamweaver® or Microsoft Expressions Web®.

Or you could use the FTP client in our Hosting Control Center. For more information, see Using the Hosting Control Center Web-Based Java FTP Client.

Use the following FTP settings to connect to your hosting account:

Host Name
This is your primary hosted domain name, or your hosting account IP address.
FTP User Name
Your hosting account user name. Where's my user name?
FTP Password
Your hosting account password. I forgot my password.
Website URL
Your site's URL (e.g.http://www.coolexample.com).
Your FTP server's URL (e.g.ftp://www.coolexample.com).
Start Directory
Our hosting services do not require a "Home" or "Start" directory, so leave the field blank. If the client requires a value, enter a single forward slash followed by your hosting account user name (i.e., /<user name>).

NOTE: Our hosting accounts only support passive FTP.